Double Sided

Bipartisan Conclusions

We all have our own ideals for how a government is run, and we all want essentially the same end result. Freedom, love, happiness, and the same for others. The problem is that as a country, we are so divided on how to accomplish that reality. Our platform is dedicated to finding a middle ground, something everyone can be happy with, a bipartisan conclusion.

our story

What do we stand for?

Though we all have different sets of values and ideas, there are a few things that we wholeheartedly agree on. For example, everyone on this platform supports equality regardless of race, gender, religion, or sexuality. We all support efforts in mental and physical health. And we all believe that no one should die or go to prison because they have less money. When it comes to human rights, we all believe that each person should have the ability to live a safe, healthy, and enjoyable life.

Our team members are from Texas and New York, two traditionally polar opposites on the political spectrum

Discover Our Mission

What is our aim? What are our plans? How will we implement our conclusions into everyday life.

Just a Few Topics we Cover


The everlasting question: should abortion be legal, and if so, should it be funded by tax payer money?


Should immigration be made easier? Should it be harder? What should the punishment be for illegal immigration?

War on Drugs

Should America take a tough on drugs approach or a harm reduction approach? Should drugs be criminalized and if so which ones?

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